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If you are using Windows IE 6.x Browser

  1. Select Tools
  2. Select Internet Options
  3. Select the Privacy tab.
  4. Select Advanced
  5. Select override automatic cookie handling button
  6. Click on the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Select always allow session cookies.
  8. Click OK to exit


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  1. Go to Tools on the menu bar
  2. Pick Internet Options
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  5. Under "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" click "Enable"
  6. Select OK, Yes you want to save the settings


If you are using Netscape 7.x

  1. Click Edit on the Toolbar.
  2. Click Preferences
  3. Click the Privacy and Security category; expand the list to show the subcategories.
  4. Click Cookies
  5. Three options are displayed. Click the appropriate choice:
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    • Enable cookies for the originating web site only
    • Enable all cookies
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If you are using Netscape 6.x

  1. Click Edit on the Toolbar.
  2. Click Preferences
  3. Click the Privacy and Security category; expand the list to show the subcategories.
  4. Click Cookies
  5. Three options are displayed. Click the appropriate choice:
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    • Enable cookies for the originating web site only
    • Enable all cookies
    • If you want to be notified when a web site tries to set a cookie, select "Warn me before accepting a cookie."


If you are using other browsers, or a "pop up blocker" or other software product which is blocking cookies you will need to reference the documentation for that product.